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Advocacy takes many forms in professional life. Learning to advocate for yourself, for your company, and for your industry will pay dividends throughout your career. We provide knowledge, tips, and training to help you hone your best advocacy skills, and facilitate opportunities to make your voice heard.

Congresswoman Lori Chavez-DeRemer Walks the Print Shop Floor

While Women in Print Alliance advocates for women working inside the printing industry, we also seek to expand an external network of women stakeholders positioned to champion print. Female lawmakers – whether at the municipal, state, or federal level – are a prime example of the type of stakeholders whose work can influence policies in...

The #1 Reason Women Don’t Want to Negotiate

Having coached hundreds of women in their compensation negotiations at work, I noticed a particular pattern that came up. The most frequent hesitation from my clients was… “I don’t want them to think I’m greedy.” Women are frequently concerned about being perceived as “greedy” and thus damaging the relationship with others when trying to negotiate....

Women Lawmakers Step Up to Lead New Congressional Print Caucus

Every lawmaker from local councilperson to US Senator knows a printer – these elected officials print signs and direct mail to campaign, after all! – but few have been exposed to the full diversity and depth of the commercial printing industry, not to mention the industry’s economic output, environmental sustainability efforts, and societal contributions. That’s...

Women in Print Alliance Joins the Tomorrow's Workforce Coalition

Advocating for women’s inclusion and advancement in the industry is a core mission of Women in Print Alliance – and education, professional certification, and skills-based training is fundamental to attaining that goal. That’s why Women in Print Alliance is eager to be a leading member of the newly launched Tomorrow’s Workforce Coalition. It’s also why we...

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