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Lisbeth Lyons Black

Did You Know?

73% percent of employees say they have a mental health disorder (a 25% increase post-pandemic) and the majority of them are female. However, only 27% of these workers say they've disclosed their health issue to their employers due in large part to a still-pervasive stigma and fear of discrimination. Source: The Bowman Foundation

Women in Print Spotlight: Rising Star - Natalie Neyenesch

Natalie discusses her career path from entry-level assistant to a VP role in her four-generation family business, admits to the daily struggle to find work-life balance, and shares her personal commitment to hire women in leadership roles. She also tells us how she circumvents the inevitable cocktail party conversation killer, "I work in commercial print," by highlighting the fun, creative aspects of the job.

#PrintMom Hacks: Our Mother's Day Gift to You

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the working moms (grandmas, aunts, and others that play mom-like roles) in the printing industry. We hope you receive special TLC: breakfast in bed, bubble baths, flowers, bottomless beverages of your choice – all the things, plus an ink-on-paper printed card! – on May 12. You deserve it! Our...

Women in Print Spotlight: Educator - Jan Steiner

Jan, former CEO and inspirational public speaker, passionately champions the benefits of career and technical education and advocates for increased apprenticeship programs in the trades, especially print. She is driven by her personal life motto, "If you don't make dust, you eat dust." In this podcast, Jan candidly shares the challenges and successes she experienced over decades of working in a traditionally male-led sector and tells us how she's giving back to the industry she loves.

Did You Know?

Over 77 million Americans have a criminal record and have historically been overlooked as a source of workforce talent. These individuals can be part of the solution to workforce shortages via "Second Chance" hiring programs. April was "Second Chance Awareness" month. (Source: The Manufacturing Institute)

Women in Print: Leader - Carrie Figueroa

Carrie, director of supply chain at Meyers, tells us how she diplomatically eschews the sports chit chat with male colleagues, her passion for print education, and why she's honored when female and younger peers come to her as a sounding board.

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