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Career Development

Professional development is a critical growth component at any stage of your career. Whether it’s honing existing skills, exploring new talents, or learning how to best channel your experiences to achieve new professional roles and responsibilities, we provide tools, actionable advice, and networking to help you advance your career in the printing industry.

Are You Expo 2023 Ready? Women in Print Networking Options Abound in Atlanta

PRINTING United Expo, the most dynamic and comprehensive printing event in the world, is just a few short weeks away, and Women in Print Alliance is set to provide myriad community building and networking opportunities for attendees. If you’re heading to Atlanta on October 18-20, be sure to add the following activities below to your show...

Back-to-School Isn’t Just for Kids

When we hear “back to school”, thoughts generally are all about children, rejuvenated by a summer break when they had time to be free from their rigid school schedule. For adults, the back-to-school routine rarely involved our own learning. Instead, it’s all about gathering materials, figuring out schedules, and nailing down the logistics. But what...

[ White Papers ]

Closing the Gender Gap

Manufacturers – including printers – continue to struggle to find qualified workers, yet women still remain a somewhat untapped labor resource. This paper explores how a variety of manufacturing companies are seeking to increase women in their workplaces, and provides best practices to improve gender equity, diversity & inclusion – including attempts to close the...

[ Research ]

The Enduring Grip of the Gender Pay Gap

The difference between the earnings of men and women – often termed the “gender pay gap” – has barely changed over the past two decades. This multi-industry study presents the dollars and cents data, while exploring how the factors of age, motherhood, and education play into this persistent societal and business conundrum.

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