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Carly O'Neill

Carly O'Neill is the Communications Coordinator at PRINTING United Alliance. She is an editor on multiple organization newsletters, including: Women in Print Alliance, Industry Ink, ColorPro, and Industry Advocate. She also runs the Member Spotlight program, which features different members of The Alliance on and in Industry Ink.

Did You Know?

Mary Ann Shadd was the first African American woman printer, founding Canada's first anti-slavery newspaper, the Provincial Freeman in 1853. Although she settled in Canada, she remained faithful to her African American roots, often discussing racial justice and independence. She was a fiercely strong woman who often was called "unladylike" for working in a white, male-dominated field. Click here to learn more about Mary Ann Shadd and her impact on the printing industry.

Women in Print Spotlight: Rising Star - Linda Flavin

Linda, owner of SpeedPro Nashville South, discusses her introduction to the printing industry after working as a stay-at-home mom for over 16 years, her desire to implement more sustainable solutions into her business, and her excitement to learn as much as she can since joining the print industry to continue to help her clients grow their businesses.

Women in Print Spotlight: Innovator - Vicki Strull

Vicki, brand strategist, creative director, and packaging designer at Vicki Strull Creative Collective, shares how she turned her hobby into her profession, the importance in finding your unique balance of creativity, technology, and business as a print professional, and why she subscribes to the theory of "winning like a woman in a man's game." Bonus: her book & entertainment recommendations!

Did You Know?

December 1st marks a special day in women's history as we recognize Rosa Parks Day. The virtual National Women's History Museum features a Rosa Parks biography (along with a wide variety of biographies of women of accomplishment). Give it a skim to brush up on history and be inspired by Rosa Park's courageous action.

Did You Know?

November is National Entrepreneurship Month in the U.S., according to the U.S. Department of State. Women’s Entrepreneurship Day is celebrated annually on November 19 to honor female entrepreneurs and discuss their contributions to the entrepreneurial community, according to National Today.

Women in Print Spotlight: Rising Star - Sydnie Shepland

Meet Sydnie Shepland, a Rising Star in the Women in Print community. Sydnie is an Advertising and Digital Marketing Lead at Durst Image Technology, U.S. LLC and has been with the company for over five years. She has a degree in Environmental Science from Fredonia and supports the printing industry's efforts to create more sustainable practices.

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